Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Heart Health for Kids

10 Ways to Keep Your Child's Heart Healthy

Take charge of your child’s heart health by developing habits now that will reap benefits later in life. According to Dr. Colin Kane, pediatric cardiologist at Children’s Health, the most effective way to do this is to make healthy living a priority for the whole family.
“If a child sees that eating well and getting plenty of exercise is important to his mom, dad and other family members, he is much more likely to adopt a similar lifestyle as he gets older and eventually moves out of the house,” Dr. Kane says. “It’s not fair to tell the child to eat carrots and celery when he sees other members of the family eating French fries. Similarly, if the child sees mom and dad watching a lot of TV, he is likely to do the same.”

How to Raise a Heart-Healthy Child
1. Keep moving – Exercise as a family; ride bikes, take a walk, go swimming or play games outside.
2. Be positive – Make heart health fun by incorporating games into your family activities or walk to a park for a healthy picnic dinner. Celebrate successes to promote a positive sense of self-esteem.
3. Limit screen time – Excessive screen time leads to a sedentary lifestyle and constant snacking, which increases the risk for obesity and cardiovascular disease. Limit TV, computer and phone time to two hours each day.
4. Schedule checkups before sports season – If your child is an athlete, have him visit the pediatrician for a physical evaluation to rule out the risk of sudden cardiac death. While this is rare in otherwise apparently healthy teens, it must be addressed to identify those who are at risk.
5. Go to the grocery store together – Learn more about reading nutrition labels and make it fun for your child. Staples in your kitchen should be 100 percent whole wheat or grains, low-fat dairy products, poultry, fish and nuts.
6. Keep healthy options on hand – When your child gets home from school, give him healthy snack options such as whole grain crackers and string cheese, hummus dip and vegetables, Greek yogurt with apple slices, nuts and dried fruit.
7. Make dinner a family affair – Involve your child in cooking and planning meals.
8. Check salt intake – Avoid processed foods and keep salt shakers off the table. Take a closer look at how much sodium young people are taking in.
9. Stay involved – Be an advocate for your child and others. Insist on good food choices at school. Make sure your child’s healthcare providers are monitoring cardiovascular indicators like BMI, blood pressure and cholesterol. Contact public officials on matters of the heart. Make your voice heard.
10. Be realistic – Set realistic goals and limits. Small steps and gradual changes can make a big difference in your child’s health over time, so start small and build up.

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